An Overview of Compensation Programs
There have been and still are numerous compensation programs in place in Austria and internationally since 1995, many of which have been concluded in the meantime. The IKG Vienna has been observing these programs critically since 1999 and has provided advice to individual clients as well as information to specific groups of victims. At the beginning of 2009 the Center for Psychosocial Care ESRA started offering counseling and advice regarding these matters:
Tempelgasse 5
A-1020 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-214 90 14
Fax: +43-1-214 90 14-30
The following contains an overview of ongoing and/or not yet concluded compensation programs relating to victims of National Socialism with a connection to Austria and their descendants:
General Settlement Fund:
Application deadline expired on May 28, 2003 – final payments currently being processed
Applications for monetary settlement for compensation could be submitted to the General Settlement Fund in the following asset categories: Liquidated companies, licenses and other company assets, real estate, bank accounts, equities, bonds, mortgages, movable assets, insurance policies, losses related to occupation or education and other losses. Victims of National-Socialism and their heirs were entitled to file a claim.
Please note that the application deadline already expired on May 28, 2003, and only final payments are currently being processed.
Link: General Settlement Fund
National Fund of the Republic of Austria:
There is no deadline for applications for one-time payment as a symbolic gesture to Holocaust survivors, as well as applications for a second and third payment for the financially needy.
Link: National Fund
Claims Conference - Article 2 Fund:
Amended application criteria
Link: Claims Conference
Benefits for ghetto work:
Application still possible
Link: Bundesamt für zentrale Dienste und offene Vermögensfragen
French Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliation:
Application still possible
Link: Commission pour l'indemnisation des victimes de spoliations
French pension for orphans of deportees:
Application still possible
Link: Ministère de la Défense